
Below is a list of letters that I have written which have been published in The Independent newspaper:


Friday, 5th November, 2010: Freed from the state


Tuesday, 24th March, 2011: Squabbles over health reforms

Monday, 18th April, 2011: Who created the creator?

Tuesday, 7th June, 2011: “Oh, the children! Won’t somebody please think of the children?”

Thursday, 18th August, 2011: Listen to Buffett and stop coddling the super-rich

Tuesday, 13th September, 2011: Executive pay

Monday, 26th December, 2011: The dilemma for theists


Monday, 2nd January, 2012: Undesirable relatives no bar to deserved honours‏

Wednesday, 14th February, 2012: The popularity of Football

Wednesday, 25th April 2012: Human cost of politicians’ wars

Saturday, 2nd June, 2012: Service to the nation

Wednesday, 20th June, 2012: Harvesting the wind

Wednesday, 8th August, 2012: We need an national anthem but which one?

Saturday, 1st September, 2012: No honour in this system

Monday, 1st October, 2012: Intruders

Tuesday, 30th November, 2012: Private schools? Abolish them


Tuesday, 19th February, 2013: On the train to salvation?

Wednesday, 27th February, 2013: It’s just sport, not morality

Thursday, 27th June, 2013: Tory right’s laughable agenda

Monday, 8th July, 2013: Maybe the world needs more porn

Monday, 7th October, 2013: Pointless risks run for charity


Friday, 31st January, 2014: Bring London down to size

Monday, 17th February, 2014: Tory party interns ‘employed’ for free

Friday, 11th July, 2014: The necessity of strikes to improve working conditions

Monday, 14th July, 2014: The cant of warmongering politicians and generals

Monday, 15th December, 2014: The full economic cost of energy